Daniel’s Vision of the Throne of God

Daniel’s vision/dream of Chapter 7 cuts away from his account of the four beasts that rise out of the sea, which we have been examining, to a vision of the throne room of God. This change of scene within the vision is sudden and dramatic; but Daniel will tie the two together quite well. Daniel’s vision of the throne of God is one of four such visions related in Scripture.

Before we discuss these visions of God’s throne, let’s take a look at the original throne of God. God made it clear that He alone was to be the true King of Israel. When the people desired a human king like other nations, God took it as a rejection of His rule over Israel (1 Samuel 8:4-7). Not only was God the true King of Israel, but He also had a throne upon which He sat on occasion. The Ark of the Covenant, built by Moses at God’s command, was the original throne of God.


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