Archive for the ‘2 Prophecies of Daniel’ Category

Podcast #9 One Like a Son of Man

June 23, 2008

Podcast #9 One Like a Son of Man

One Like a Son of Man

June 23, 2008

Daniel described the four beasts which came up out of the sea, including the “little horn” of the seventh beast that “spoke great things.” Then Daniel’s vision changed to the throne room of God. He said that “one who was ancient of days took his throne…the court sat in judgement, and the books were opened.” (Daniel 7:10) The heavenly court sitting in judgement indicates that someone or something must be judged.


Daniel’s Vision of the Throne of God

June 19, 2008

Daniel’s vision/dream of Chapter 7 cuts away from his account of the four beasts that rise out of the sea, which we have been examining, to a vision of the throne room of God. This change of scene within the vision is sudden and dramatic; but Daniel will tie the two together quite well. Daniel’s vision of the throne of God is one of four such visions related in Scripture.

Before we discuss these visions of God’s throne, let’s take a look at the original throne of God. God made it clear that He alone was to be the true King of Israel. When the people desired a human king like other nations, God took it as a rejection of His rule over Israel (1 Samuel 8:4-7). Not only was God the true King of Israel, but He also had a throne upon which He sat on occasion. The Ark of the Covenant, built by Moses at God’s command, was the original throne of God.


Podcast #8 Daniel’s Vision of the Throne of God

June 12, 2008

Podcast #8 Daniel’s Vision of the Throne of God

Index of Handouts

June 8, 2008

You will find an index listing of all the handouts used in this program with links so you can view them, download them or print them out HERE.

Podcast #7 The Four Beasts of Daniel Chapter 7

June 7, 2008

Podcast #7 The Four Beasts of Daniel Chapter 7

The Four Beasts of Daniel Chapter 7

June 2, 2008

Now that we have the “Big Picture” of Daniel Chapter 7 firmly in our minds, let’s take a look at the first section in a bit more detail. Daniel begins by telling us that he had a major dream/vision during the first year of the reign of Belshazzar, king of Babylon. However, if you read chapter 5 you will see that Belshazzar lost the kingdom to the Medo-Persians. Chapter 6 tells us of instances that occurred under the Medo-Persian rule, including the famous story of “Daniel in the Lion’s Den.” Daniel is letting us know that this dream occurred before the Medo-Persian conquest of Babylon.

Daniel saw the four winds of heaven stirring up the great sea. Jewish theology saw the earth and heaven as having four corners. These correspond to the four cardinal directions of North, East, South and West. From each of these corners comes a particular wind. Each of these winds have peculiar properties. Here Daniel sees all four winds blowing upon the great sea. An entire study could easily be done on the symbology of the sea in Jewish theology; but let it suffice here to say that the sea refers to the multitudes of people of the world. In other words, the gentiles.


Podcast #6 Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream

May 29, 2008

Podcast #6 Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream and the Gentile Empires

Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream

May 26, 2008

Daniel went before King Nebuchadnezzar to interpret his dream with the vision God had given him in the night. Not only did the king want his dream interpreted, he also wanted the interpreter to tell him what he had dreamed so he could trust the interpretation. Not only did Daniel’s life depend on it, but the lives of his three friends and the lives of all the magi in Babylon did as well.


An Introduction to the Book of Daniel

May 23, 2008

The Book of Daniel is an excellent example of Old Testament Apocalyptic Literature. While it gives us several descriptions of apocalyptic visions with all the symbolic imagery we associate with apocalyptic literature, it also gives us historical details of the life the Jews led during the Babylonian Captivity, especially for those in the Babylonian royal court. The prophecies in the Book of Daniel are highly significant, especially to the study of eschatology. However, the book is also seen by many as very controversial.
