Posts Tagged ‘Daniel’

Daniel and the Rest of the Story

August 1, 2008

A great deal of ink has been spilled in the Christian era concerning the various prophecies of the Book of Daniel. There is a great deal more that I could say and write about it. But what do you need to know for the purposes of our study? How does the Book of Daniel relate to the Book of Revelation and what do you need to take with you that will help you to understand the New Testament prophecies, especially the Apocalypse?


Podcast #12 – Daniel Chapter 9

July 28, 2008

Podcast #12 – Daniel Chapter 9

Daniel’s Seventy Weeks

July 25, 2008

In Chapter 9 of Daniel we saw that Daniel was reading the prophecies of Jeremiah concerning the Babylonian Captivity. There Daniel discovered that God had foreordained the captivity to last for a period of 70 years. A bit of simple arithmetic and Daniel realized that the 70 year period had almost been completed. Daniel also realized that his people still had not repented of the sins that caused the captivity, so he began to confess the sins of his people and to do penance and reparation for them. Please keep in mind that the previous interpretations all pointed to a time during the reign of the Roman Emperors in which God would establish His Kingdom on earth.


Daniel Chapter 9

July 19, 2008

This is, for most people, the most difficult chapter in the Book of Daniel; it is also the most important. We have created a rather large handout consisting of charts to help you to organize the information. We will place it on the website in Word 2000 format to make it easier to download the information. If you need it in some other format, please let us know and we will be happy to try to provide that for you. We can also make it available as a series of jpeg images.

Chapter 9 is broken into three basic parts:

· Part 1 is verses 1 and 2.

· Part 2 is verses 3 – 19.

· Part 3 is verses 20-27.


Podcast #11 – Daniel Chapter 8

July 11, 2008

Podcast #11 – Daniel Chapter 8

Daniel Chapter 8

July 8, 2008

The eighth chapter of Daniel focuses on two of the four empires discussed in Chapter 7, the Medo-Persian Empire and the Grecian Empire. There are no deep mysteries contained in this chapter, since the angel Gabriel interprets Daniel’s vision concerning these two.

At first Daniel sees a mighty ram with two horns, one higher than the other. This alone should be a major clue as to the identity of this beast, since it is so similar to the description of the bear that was raised up on one side in the previous chapter. Sure enough, Gabriel tells Daniel the ram is the Medo-Persian Empire and, like the raised side of the bear, the higher horn represents Persia that became the stronger of the two.


Podcast #10 In the Days of Those Kings

July 4, 2008

Podcast #10 – In the Days of Those Kings

In the Days of Those Kings – The Little Horn

July 2, 2008

In the classroom we discussed the possible identity of the “little horn” of Daniel’s prophecy in Chapter 7. We actually know more about his identity than we might realize. The text tells us that the fourth beast we have identified as the Roman Empire had ten horns and that these ten horn are ten kings. Then the text tells us that another horn grew up among them. If there are ten kings and then there is another one that comes up, that’s number eleven. So the little horn is the eleventh Roman Emperor.

Compare that with the list of the Roman Emperors. You will find the handout HERE.


One Like a Son of Man

June 23, 2008

Daniel described the four beasts which came up out of the sea, including the “little horn” of the seventh beast that “spoke great things.” Then Daniel’s vision changed to the throne room of God. He said that “one who was ancient of days took his throne…the court sat in judgement, and the books were opened.” (Daniel 7:10) The heavenly court sitting in judgement indicates that someone or something must be judged.


Daniel’s Vision of the Throne of God

June 19, 2008

Daniel’s vision/dream of Chapter 7 cuts away from his account of the four beasts that rise out of the sea, which we have been examining, to a vision of the throne room of God. This change of scene within the vision is sudden and dramatic; but Daniel will tie the two together quite well. Daniel’s vision of the throne of God is one of four such visions related in Scripture.

Before we discuss these visions of God’s throne, let’s take a look at the original throne of God. God made it clear that He alone was to be the true King of Israel. When the people desired a human king like other nations, God took it as a rejection of His rule over Israel (1 Samuel 8:4-7). Not only was God the true King of Israel, but He also had a throne upon which He sat on occasion. The Ark of the Covenant, built by Moses at God’s command, was the original throne of God.
